ID 原文 译文
100976 We feel that we should like to live there, between the very lines of the engraved drawing. 从精心雕刻的图画线条中,我们感觉到我们会喜欢住在那里。
100977 We find a very clear example of this concentration of the joy of inhabiting in a fragment of Henri Bachelin's life of his father. 在阅读亨利o巴舍兰(Henri Bachelin)讲述他父亲的一生的书中令人赞叹的一页时,我们找到了一个清楚的例子,从中可见居住之乐的聚集。
100978 We find it hard to overlook, let alone forgive, the frequent discrepancies between idealised architecture and the reality of those who commissioned and lived with it. 我们很难对理想化的建筑与出资修建这些建筑及住在里面的现实之人之间经常性的巨大反差视而不见,更别说是体谅了。
100979 We first stayed in a dramatic house overlooking the Pacific, designed and owned by Carlos and Heather Herrera. 我们第一次住进了可以俯瞰太平洋壮观景色的海景房,房子是由卡洛斯和希瑟·埃雷拉设计和所有的。
100980 We flee in thought in search of a real refuge. 我们在思想中逃遁,去找寻一个真正的庇护所。
100981 We following the philosophy of the famous white knight in Alice's wonderland, believed that one never knows what will prove to be useful in case of emergency, so were willing to fall off horses' backs for our burdens. 我们遵奉《爱丽丝漫游仙境》里著名的白骑士的哲学,深信在急难中万物皆有用,于是不惜离开马背,以便多运些装备。
100982 We fought against this new rule, which seemed to have been made up on the spur of the moment, and Laurie produced some stunning drawings to support our case, but eventually gave in. 我们反对这条新规则,它看上去就是一时兴起提出的。劳瑞拿出了一些令人惊叹的图纸来支持我们的设计方案,但最终还是让步了。
100983 We freely admit that our ancestors had none of the conveniences in their homes, palaces and ch? 我们坦率地承认,在先祖的住宅、宫殿和城堡里,完全没有今天我们所必需的便利条件……
100984 We get angry when we should realise we are sad and tear down ancient streets when we ought instead to introduce proper sanitation and street lights. 在本该悲伤的时候我们却很愤怒,在本该为古老的街道引入适合的卫生设施与照明系统的时候却把老街给拆了。
100985 We get to work at seven thirty every morning and finish working at eleven thirty before noon. (a.m.) "我们每天早上七点三十分开始工作,到十一点三十分结束工作。