ID 原文 译文
100956 We do not say: 'this park is Landscape Architecture, but that one is just a designed landscape'. 我们不会说:"这座公园是景观设计学的杰作,但那座只能算经过了设计的景观。"
100957 We do not see it start, and yet it always starts the same way, that is, it flees the object nearby and right away it is far off, elsewhere, in the space of elsewhere. 我们几乎看不到它开始,可是它却总是以相同的方式开始。它逃离邻近物,并立刻去了远处,别处,在别处的空间里。
100958 We do nothing to reorganize it; with intimacy it recovers its entity, in the mellowness and imprecision of the inner life. 它的存在自行重组,从它的内心空间开始,在室内生活的温馨和朦胧中重组。
100959 We don't generally experience chronic pain when the fine-grained features of design have been ignored; we are simply forced to work harder to overcome confusion and eddies of unease. 就算是设计方面忽略了很多微妙的细节特征,我们通常也不会由此而长期忍受痛苦;只是我们就得被迫加倍努力才能克服我们的慌张与阵阵的不安感觉。
100960 We don't know for certain, but perhaps he had been preparing for this challenge his whole life. 尽管具体的细节我们无从知晓,但他或许生来就是为了迎接这个挑战。
100961 We don't know if this re-use of the sometimes carved and decorated stones was deliberate, or if the passage grave builders simply saw menhirs as a convenient source of stone. 而至于有时候这类雕刻和装饰的石头的重复使用是有意为之,还是通道墓穴建设者仅仅把这些巨石看作一种方便获得的石头,我们就不得而知了。
100962 We don't work well in a void; the worst clients are those who are uninterested, or the bullies who throw their weight about without listening. 我们不能在一个真空的环境中工作;最糟糕的客户是那些对什么都不在乎的人,或者是那些不会倾听只顾自说自话的人。
100963 We don't, in the end, much like perpetual surprises. 归根结底,我们并不太喜欢不断地惊诧莫名。
100964 We don’t know the mortality rate. 我们不知道死亡率是多少。
100965 We enjoy more autonomy, more control over our surroundings at home than we do anywhere else. 相比于其他任何地方,我们在家里享有更多自主权,对环境更有控制力。