ID 原文 译文
100926 We decided to start in space, describing how beautiful and fragile the earth seemed in images captured by the first satellites. 我们决定从太空开始讲起,描述在第一颗卫星捕捉到的图像中地球显得多么美丽和脆弱。
100927 We deem a modern Swiss house elegant because we note how seamlessly its windows have been joined to their concrete walls, and how neatly the usual clutter of construction has been resolved away. 我们赞一幢现代瑞士的房屋优雅,是因为我们注意到它的窗与水泥墙面结合得简直天衣无缝,而且一幢建筑所惯有的混乱几乎被清除得一干二净。
100928 We definitely saw it, but we say that it was well hidden. 我们确实看见它了,但我们却说它藏得很好。
100929 We delight in complexity to which genius has lent an appearance of simplicity. 我们赞赏那些能够将复杂以简洁的形式出之的天才。
100930 We delight in reaching hill-tops, panoramic terraces, skyline restaurants and observation posts, where we encounter the basic pleasure of being able to see what lies in the far distance, and can follow roads and rivers across the landscape, rather than have them surge ahead of us without notice. 我们喜欢登上山巅和俯瞰全景的阳台,喜欢可以望见天际的餐馆和观测站,从中我们享受到能将远处的景致一览无余的基本性的快乐,能够追踪穿越眼前风景的道路和河流,而不喜欢它们突然间擅自涌现在我们眼前。
100931 We delivered a fairly tough critique - this was a job that required fresh thinking and a younger architect! ([63]恩斯特o弗洛伊德(1892-1970),奥地利建筑师,西格蒙德o弗洛伊德之子。)我们给予了相当严厉的批评:这是一份需要新思考、需要年轻建筑师的工作!
100932 We depend on our surroundings obliquely to embody the moods and ideas we respect and then to remind us of them. 我们拐弯抹角地仰赖我们所处的环境表现出我们尊崇的情绪和观念,并且提醒我们意识到它们的存在。
100933 We derive our word 'paradise' from the Old Iranian (Avestan) word for such exceptional gardens, pairi-daeza, which was later shortened to paridiz. 我们现在所用的"乐园"(paradise)一词可以溯源到古伊朗语言(阿维斯陀语)中描述这种特殊花园的词pairi-daeza,该词后来被缩短成了paridiz。
100934 We descend to living close to the ground, on the floor of a cottage, then would like to dominate the entire horizon from a castle in Spain. 我们降下来居住到大地附近,茅屋的地面上,然后,在一座座空中楼阁里,我们想要主宰整个天地。
100935 We described the building as 'an activity container, a strongly layered three-dimensional structural framework with people walking on it and looking down from it, a wide variety of items clipped on it, tents, seating and audio-visual screens, etc.' 我们把这座建筑描述为"一个举办活动的容器,一个强有力的三维结构框架,人们能在上面行走、从上向下看,里面嵌有各种各样的东西,包括帐篷、座位和音像屏幕等"。