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100886 We can't freeze architecture at an arbitrary point in the past, requiring all new development to conform to a historicist template, like a heritage theme park. 我们不应把建筑冻结在过去的某一时刻,要求所有新开发的项目都符合历史的模板,就像一个遗产主题公园。
100887 We can't remain sensitive indefinitely to environments which we don't have the means to alter for the good - and end up as conscious as we can afford to be. 我们无法不加选择地对那些我们无力加以改善的环境保持敏感--结果只能睁一眼闭一眼。
100888 We can, for example, feel two distinct conceptions of fulfilment emanating from a plain Scandinavian crockery set on the one hand and an ornate Sèvres one on the other - an invitation to a democratic graceful sensibility in the former case, to a ceremonial and class-bound disposition in the latter. 比如说,我们从一套朴素的斯堪的纳维亚陶器和一件装饰华美的塞夫尔瓷器中能感觉到由它们生发出来的截然不同的满足感--前者体现的是一种民主性的优美情感,后者则体现出一种仪式性的、等级分明的倾向。
100889 We cannot be certain that this would have been the case in all causewayed enclosures right across Britain; finds in causewayed enclosures in the southwest and Cornwall, for example, seem to suggest a focus on warfare as well as domestic life. 这个结论是否对不列颠境内所有的堤道围场都适用还很难确定,比如在西南部和康沃尔地区发现的堤道围场,似乎就在展示日常生活之外还很注重彰显财富。
100890 We cannot break away from it without hoping to return. 我们不能在从那里悄然离去的时候不能不抱着回来的希望。
100891 We cannot but think such thoughts in the presence of MAS: by design, it pulls us into a profoundly engaged experience with the building and the objects that it presents. 在MAS面前,我们不禁感到:通过设计,MAS让我们进入一种与建筑和所呈现的物体之间的、深入感应的体验状态。
100892 We cannot but wonder what's behind that wall. 我们不禁想知道那堵墙后面是什么。我可以去到墙后面吗?
100893 We cannot forget that Baudelaire experienced these transactions. 我们不能忘记波德莱尔体验过这种相互作用。
100894 We cannot help but pivot our heads toward the sky. 我们不由抬头看向天空。
100895 We cannot just look. We cannot but move around and explore this unusual space, trying to work out the profiles of their constructions and the contours of their forms. 在这里,我们不满足于只是看看,我们会不由得四处走动,探索这个不同寻常的空间,试图弄清其构筑的外形、形态轮廓。