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100856 We can focus on only one thing at a time, and so it makes sense to focus on the special things that stand out from the crowd. 我们一次只能关注一件事,因此把注意力投向与众不同的、特别的事物才是明智之举。
100857 We can get to know our local buildings by chance, and especially if we use them regularly we can form strong views about them, responding to whether they help us or frustrate us as we try to go about our lives. 我们可能是通过偶然的机会了解我们当地的建筑,特别是如果我们经常使用这些建筑,我们就会对它们产生强烈的看法,这些看法是我们对这些建筑是在生活中帮助了我们还是使我们感到惊愕作出的反应。
100858 We can grow the future. 我们能够培育未来。
100859 We can ignore the figures about increasing inequality; but it is harder to ignore huddled figures sleeping in streets and doorways or trapped in decaying housing estates. 我们可以忽略有关不平等加剧的数据;但是我们很难忽略那些蜷缩着睡在街道和门口,或者被困在腐朽的房屋里的人。
100860 We can imagine that a whitewashed rational loft, which seems to us punishingly ordered, might be home to someone unusually oppressed by intimations of anarchy. 我们可以想象,一间石灰粉刷的理性十足的顶楼,在我们看来虽说像是受罪,可对于某个罕有地受到无政府状态征兆压抑的人来说也许会感觉宾至如归。
100861 We can imagine the difficulty involved in setting each building at a finely graded angle to its neighbours, and in moulding a fa? ade around the recalcitrant arc of a semicircle. 我们可以想象,要想使每一幢建筑之间保持一种精确的渐进角度,而且要在一个半圆形那不听话的弓面上造出建筑的立面是多么困难。
100862 We can imagine the tumult that would have preceded the calm which now reigns in this place: the stifling summer days that would have echoed to the hammering and sawing of hundreds of labourers. 我们可以想象在由如今的宁静统治之前,这片街区的喧嚣景象:窒闷的夏日回荡着成百上千的工人锤击和拉锯的噪声。
100863 We can infer the approximate trajectory of a baseball once the batter hits it in the air. 我们可以推断击球手打到空中的棒球的大致轨迹。
100864 We can learn to defend or attack a concept of beauty in the same way we might defend or attack a legal position or an ethical stance. 我们可以学习用支持或攻击法律立场或道德姿态的同一种方式去支持或攻击一种美的观念。
100865 We can likewise guess that the inhabitants of a roughly rendered building, where the walls are made of black bricks and the doors of rusted steel, are liable to be fleeing from feelings of their own or their society's excessive privilege, just as we can presume that blatantly playful blocks, where the roofs are curved, the windows buckled and the walls painted in childlike colours, will touch an especially powerful chord in the bureaucratic and unimaginative, who will see in them an exuberance that promises an escape from overpowering feelings of inner seriousness. 同样,我们也可以猜想,一幢粉饰得很粗陋的建筑,黑砖砌墙,锈迹斑斑的铁门,里面的住户应该是希望从他们自身或他们身处的社会过于特权的感觉中逃离出来;我们同样也可以假定,那些装饰得俗丽活泼的小区,卷曲的屋顶、变形的窗户,涂得五颜六色的孩子气的墙面,反而会触动那些官僚作风以及缺乏想象力之辈内心那特别强有力的琴弦,他们会在这样的风格中体会到一种勃勃生气,正可以使他们内心压倒性的严肃情感得到片刻的舒缓。