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100826 |
We call it beautiful from a humbling overfamiliarity with its antitheses: in domestic life, with sulks and petty disputes, and in architecture, with streets whose elements crossly decide to pay no heed to the appearance of their neighbours and instead cry out chaotically for attention, like jealous and enraged lovers. |
我们说它美实在是因为自惭太熟悉它的对立面:家庭生活中多的是气恼和争执,体现在建筑上,则是大街上的各种建筑元素根本不注意与左邻右舍保持和谐,反而一心只想着大嚷大叫地吸引注意,就像那些嫉妒而且怒气冲冲的情人。 |
100827 |
We call works in both genres beautiful when they succeed in evoking what seem to us the most attractive, significant attributes of human beings and animals. |
只要它们成功地唤起在我们看来最有吸引力、最重要的人类以及动物的特质,我们就会一视同仁地将这两种不同性质的作品都称为美的。 |
100828 |
We came back from California in the summer of 1963 (we were also expecting our first child by then), and Norman returned shortly afterwards. |
一九六三年夏天,我们从加州返回英国(那时我们还在期待着我们的第一个孩子),诺曼不久之后也回来了。 |
100829 |
We came back through Paris, where we saw Pierre Chareau's stunning Maison de Verre, crafted in the 1930s from glass bricks, to allow in light without revealing the view of a blank wall. |
途经巴黎回来的时候,我们在那里看到了玻璃之家,这栋建筑诞生于三十年代、用玻璃砖建造,无须在墙上设置门窗便可以让光线照射进来。 |
100830 |
We came second in the competition, but our entry created the most discussion and was later exhibited in Paris by the Arts Council; it also helped establish our reputation after the separation of Team 4. |
我们在比赛中只获得了第二名,但我们的参赛作品引起了最多的讨论,后来艺术委员会将其在巴黎展出,这也帮助我们在小组四解散后重建了声誉。 |
100831 |
We can accept the legitimacy of the rustic style, even if we question the way M. Frugès's tenants attempted to inject it into their homes at Lège and Pessac. |
我们可以接受乡村风格的合法性,哪怕我们对弗鲁叶先生的房客们对他们莱日和佩萨克的家的改造方式不以为然。 |
100832 |
We can adjust the levelness of the machine by means of shim and screw jack. |
我们可以利用垫铁和螺丝千斤顶来调整机器的水平度。 |
100833 |
We can admire more or less, but a sincere impulse, a little impulse toward admiration, is always necessary if we are to receive the phenomenological benefit of a poetic image. |
不管怎样,读者的同情和仰慕是分不开的。我们可以产生或多或少的仰慕之情,但一种真诚的冲动、一种仰慕的微微冲动对于接受诗歌形象的现象学收获来说是必不可少的。 |
100834 |
We can also be quite certain that the arrows struck his body while the bone was still living, because the tip of one was still present in the fourth left rib. The bone is still lifted and buckled – giving it a horribly recent appearance. |
还可以确定的是,箭头穿过他身体的时候骨头还没有腐化,因为其中一支箭的箭头仍留在他左边第四根肋骨里,那根肋骨直到现在都呈翘起弯曲状,看上去很是恐怖。 |
100835 |
We can always figure out a painting technique from a real scene, or associate such a scene with a particular painting technique. The turbulent streams and monoliths shimmering in swift rapids in Fujian make ideal prototypes for construction of artificial mountains. |
而闽溪水险,矶濑激湍,凡此琐琐,皆叠山极好之祖本。 |