ID 原文 译文
100786 We are shaped by the culture that we grow up in, and by the culture in which we participate, whether we think about it or not - and most of the time we don't think about it at all. 我们受到生长于其中的文化的影响,也受到我们参与其中的文化的影响,无论我们是不是想过这一点--大多数时间,我们根本不会去想这个问题。
100787 We are slowly moving forward, but there is so much left to do. 我们在缓慢前进,但还有很多事情要做。
100788 We are so biologically wired to embrace the natural world that, in addition to greenery and light, we respond strongly to natural materials, biomorphic forms, and specific topographical features. These include ones that were critical to the African savannahs, where our ancestors thrived for tens of thousands of years: gently rolling hills, even ground cover, meandering pathways, and copses of trees and shrubbery that screen illuminated clearings. 我们天生喜爱自然世界,以至于除了绿色植物和自然光外,我们还对天然材料、生物形态、具体地形特征有强烈反应,其中的具体地形特征,包括我们祖先繁衍生息数万年的非洲大草原的关键地形特征:平缓起伏的丘陵、均匀平整的草地、蜿蜒曲折的路径,以及一丛丛乔木和灌木圈出一块块光秃秃的空地。
100789 We are sometimes eager to celebrate the influence of our surroundings. 我们有时会急于赞美我们的周边环境带来的影响。
100790 We are still living with the result: acres of shopping malls, offices and public buildings with nothing to recommend them other than the space they enclose and the shelter they provide. Nothing to do with architecture. 我们仍生活在这样一个结果里:大片大片的购物商场、办公室和公共建筑,除了占有空间和提供遮蔽以外,无任何特色,跟建筑毫无关联。
100791 We are struck too by the fact that the text comes alive in both directions of the metaphor: the happy household is a flourishing nest. The woodpecker's confidence in the shelter of the tree in which it has hidden its nest represents taking possession of a home. 难道我们不觉得惊讶么,梭罗的文字在隐喻的两个方向上活动:欢乐的家宅和充满活力的鸟巢--把巢藏在树中而置身于树的庇护之下的绿啄木鸟,它的信任感是一种对居所的占有。
100792 We are struggling to humanise an economic system that only works for the wealthy, and to find a way of growing prosperity without wrecking our environment. 我们正在努力使一个只对富人有效的经济体系变得人性化,并在不破坏环境的前提下找到一种新的繁荣方式。
100793 We are subdued by the lofty skill and the intelligence of the craftsmen in the Ming Dynasty. 我们不能不为明代桥梁建设者的高超技艺和聪明才智所折服。
100794 We are sunk deep in daydreaming with all verification healthily forbidden. 我们完全在梦想之中,并且正确地制止自己去证实。
100795 We are taught the ontology of presentiment. 我们被放入前听觉中。我们被要求留心最微弱的迹象。