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100736 |
We also experience our built environments with all of our sensory faculties working in concert, and with all of them collaborating with our motor systems for action. |
我们还通过所有感官能力的相互协作、所有感官能力与运动系统的相互配合,来体验建成环境。 |
100737 |
We also know from the toolmarks preserved on the timbers at Seahenge that at this period a large variety of axes were in use at the same time. |
从海上木阵的刻痕中我们可以得知,在这一时期人们同时使用着大量不同类型的斧子。 |
100738 |
We also know he was an ardent self-publicist: one of the first architects to manipulate the media. |
我们也知道,他是一个激情澎湃的自我推销者:第一批懂得巧用媒体的建筑师之一。 |
100739 |
We also know that Jones had travelled in Italy, probably in the company of aristocratic patrons, and that there he bought many of Palladio's drawings. |
我们也知道琼斯在意大利游历过,可能是在贵族赞助的公司,在那儿他买了很多帕拉第奥的图纸。 |
100740 |
We also know that the story of prehistoric landscape development is vastly more complex than a series of lines. |
另外,史前景观的发展进程一定远比几条直线来得复杂。 |
100741 |
We also know that this ability is easily depleted. According to environmental psychologists Rachel and Stephen Kaplan, enjoying a natural landscape replenishes our attentional resources effectively by promoting what they call effortless focus. |
根据环境心理学家雷切尔o卡普兰(Rachel Kaplan)和斯蒂芬o卡普兰(Stephen Kaplan)的说法,自然景观可以有效补充注意力资源,补充方式就是促进他们提出的不费力注意(effortless focus)。 |
100742 |
We also mostly ignore our built landscapes because practically, we have no obvious stake or influence in their production. |
我们大多数时候忽视建成环境的另一个原因在于,在建成环境的产生过程中,我们没有明显的利害关系或影响力。 |
100743 |
We also now know that these memories, which in sum help us to constitute our past, can be consolidated only by being linked up with our cognitions about physical locations and place. |
我们现在还知道,这些记忆合起来构成了我们的过去,只有与相关的物理位置和场所的认知联系起来才能得到巩固。 |
100744 |
We also perceive symmetrical compositions as "balanced," just as, when we stand on two legs, we stand "firmly planted" on the ground. |
我们还认为对称的构造是"平衡的"构造,就像"站如松"一样。 |
100745 |
We also proposed a pedestrian bridge, connecting the development to the north side of the river by Temple, to bring life to the South Bank and create a grand passegiata from Waterloo station to Aldwych. |
我们还提议修建一座行人天桥,将开发区与河北岸的圣殿连接起来,给南岸带来生机,并建造一条从滑铁卢车站到阿尔德威奇的宏伟通道。 |