ID 原文 译文
100706 Water-route signs, harbours, break-waters as well as special structures for ship manufacture and maintenance must be built for shipping enterprises. 航标、港口、闸门以及建立造船企业所需的生产及维护船只的特殊结构。
100707 Waters are concentrated in most Chinese gardens, but the lakes and pools in the Chengde Mountain Summer Resort are now clustered, now separated, with water flowing down a host of valleys and exiting through a water gate at the Literate Garden in the southeast corner before joining the Wulie River. 中国苑囿之水,聚者为多,而避暑山庄湖沼,得聚分之妙,其水自各山峪流下,东南经文园水门出,与武烈河相接。
100708 Waters are the eyes of land. A garden having lots of land should keep water behind its walls; a garden having a lot of water should have it scattered. 水为陆之眼,陆多之地要保水;水多之区要疏水。
100709 Waterside Gazebo 水榭
100710 Waterway Transportation 水路运输
100711 Watkins believed that Stonehenge was placed at the junction of three distinct ley lines, one of which followed the midsummer sunrise, and the Avenue (then newly discovered); another was on the lunar alignment marked by the North and South Barrows and their Station Stones. 沃特金斯相信巨石阵处在三条能量灵线的交集处,其中一条沿着夏至日出以及大道(当时刚被发现)的方向;另一条则以南北坟以及车站石为标志,与月亮的运行方向相一致。
100712 Wave-Listening Place 听涛处
100713 Wave-Watchers' Loft 观涛楼
100714 Waves of new influences, stirring up the whims of a few men in a conservative town, can innocently deface a masterpiece by their efforts at so-called "modernization" of an "old-fashioned" structure. 在较保守的城镇里,新潮激发了少数人的奇思异想,努力对某个“老式的”建筑进行所谓的“现代化”,原先的杰作随之毁于愚妄。
100715 Ways of speaking and acting, of walking and talking, of dressing and addressing were different in 'this land' (ce pays-ci), this little world, from what the rest of humanity experienced. One never spoke of 'gifts' ('dons') in court society, for example, only 'presents' ('cadeaux'); one drank not 'champagne' but 'vin de champagne'; one elided the 'c' at the end of certain words ('sac', meaning 'bag', was thus pronounced 'sa') and inserted a lazy 'z' in odd places ('avant hier' meaning 'the day before yesterday', became 'avant z'hier'); one knew a dozen ways of nodding, bowing and showing respect; women deployed a special sliding walk on Versailles parquets which involved not lifting their feet, so as to avoid treading on the trains of other court ladies. 例如,在宫廷社交中,人们不说"礼物"(dons),而说"馈赠"(cadeaux);喝"来自香槟的'葡萄酒'"(vin de champagne)而非"香槟酒"(champagne);人们还会将某些单词结尾的"c"省去(意为"包"的"sac"因此被拼为"sa"),并在奇怪的地方插入一个拖长的"z"(意为"前天"的"avant hier"因此被拼为"avant z'hier");每个人都了解十几种点头、鞠躬和表示尊重的方式;女士们拖着一种特殊的步伐,双脚不离凡尔赛宫的镶木地板,以避免踩到其他宫廷女士。