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100656 |
Was Gaudí actually responding to the theories of Charles Darwin in his remarkable buildings? |
高迪在他超凡的建筑作品中是否真正践行了达尔文的理论呢? |
100657 |
Was Woodhenge about midwinter, in the same way that Stonehenge's ceremonial highpoint was midsummer? |
正如仲冬的巨木阵,巨石阵仪式的高潮是仲夏吗? |
100658 |
Was it a funeral complex, where the dead were given a wake, laid out at Woodhenge, carried in ceremony down a double-ditched processional route and then along the river to Stonehenge itself? |
它是一个葬礼建筑群吗?人们在巨木阵为死者守灵、入殓,顺着双沟渠的游行路线举行仪式,然后沿着河流到达巨石阵。 |
100659 |
Was it enough for the British to follow slavishly where the Continent had led? |
但是英国会仅仅满足于亦步亦趋地追随欧洲大陆引领的浪潮吗? |
100660 |
Was it necessary to the perfection of any one of their typical offices, that there should be that hanging of blue, and purple, and scarlet? |
为了完成某个仪式,必需悬挂蓝色、紫色和猩红色的幕布吗? |
100661 |
Was not their obscure fate closely united with your own? ... |
它们的惨淡命运难道不是和你的命运紧紧相连吗? |
100662 |
Was the St Francis chapel at Pampulha, which broke all the rules with its radical, great wave-like concrete vaults, actually a model for the Ronchamp chapel, built six years later and arguably Le Corbusier's greatest building? |
圣弗朗西斯科教堂位于(巴西)潘普利亚,其宏大夸张的波浪状水泥拱顶打破了一切传统。六年后,勒·柯布西耶建造了朗香教堂,堪称他的顶极杰作。 |
100663 |
Was the bombastic Neoclassicism in vogue on the Continent really the right way for Britain to express its own individuality? |
这种盛行于欧洲大陆的高调的古典主义真的能够表现英国的独特性吗? |
100664 |
Was the garret cluttered up? |
阁楼是否拥挤? |
100665 |
Was the glory of the tabernacle necessary to set forth or image His divine glory to the minds of His people? What! |
必需用神庙的辉煌来向他的子民心中传达他神圣的荣耀吗? |