ID 原文 译文
100606 Wang Wei 王维
100607 Wang Wei 1992, 59-60). In the end, all of the repairs completed since the 1870s were totally obliterated. 最后,自19世纪70年代以来所完成的所有修复工程全部被毁。
100608 Wang Wei 1992, 59–60). In the end, all of the repairs completed since the 1870s were totally obliterated. 最后,自19世纪70年代以来所完成的所有修复工程全部被毁。
100609 Wang Wei 1992, 83). After sunset on one of the Weaver days, the seventh day of the seventh month, Yongzheng came here and had a banquet with a group of royalty and court ladies, while observing the reunion of the Cowboy and the Weaver in the Milky Way (Yu Minzhong 1985, 3:1365-1366). 在农历七月份的第七天,就是七夕节,那天日落之后,雍正会到这里与一些皇室成员和后妃们举行盛宴,同时观看牛郎和织女在银河相会的景况。
100610 Wang Wei 1992, 83). After sunset on one of the Weaver days, the seventh day of the seventh month, Yongzheng came here and had a banquet with a group of royalty and court ladies, while observing the reunion of the Cowboy and the Weaver in the Milky Way (Yu Minzhong 1985, 3:1365–1366). 在农历七月份的第七天,就是七夕节,那天日落之后,雍正会到这里与一些皇室成员和后妃们举行盛宴,同时观看牛郎和织女在银河相会的景况。
100611 Wang Wei excelled in depicting mist and water and was the first to succeed in capturing atmosphere in nature. 王维善于表现雾和水,是成功地描绘大自然神韵的第一人。
100612 Wang Weilin 汪为霖
100613 Wang Weilin (1763-1822) of the Qing says in his note "Refurbishing the Literary Garden": I replaced flowery hedge and stone railing repaired, It is more difficult to modify a garden than poetry. 清代汪春田重葺文园有诗:“换却花篱补石阑,改园更比改诗难;果能字字吟来稳,小有亭台亦耐看。”
100614 Wang Weilin (1763-1822) writes in a poem on overhauling his Literary Garden: I had flower hedge replaced, stone railing mended, Alas, it's harder to improve a garden than a rondel; If I can settle down with every word to be recited, Even a small pavilion or terrace can stand perusal. 清人汪春田有重茸文园诗:“换却花篱补石阑,改园更比改诗难;果能字字吟来稳,小有亭台亦耐看。”
100615 Wang Xianchen 王献臣