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100494 Visitors advanced to the gate leading into the cour royale. 穿过大门的参观者将进入皇家庭院。
100495 Visitors ambling along the Sinuous Gully Loft would invariably find that the picture-perfect scenery keeps changing with the shift of their footsteps as they look through an array of brick frames and latticed windows opened into the building's western wall on the first floor. 曲谿楼底层西墙皆列砖框、漏窗,游者至此,感觉处处邻虚,移步换影,眼底如画。
100496 Visitors can be pampered in the convenience afforded by such a "wooded urban mountain"—where they can either come to lose themselves for a while in solitude or entertain guests. 游者生活其间,可以独处,可以留客,“城市山林”,两得其宜。
100497 Visitors can make a circuit of the Whistling Scholar's Mountain Abode following its two-storied walkway, and the same is true with the Geyuan's Garden when in its prime. 寄啸山庄循复道廊可绕园一周,个园盛兴时,情况亦差不多。
100498 Visitors can push the sledge to gain an impression of what 20 tonnes feels like. They can also appreciate the sheer scale of the great stones, which is not so evident at a distance. 游客可以推动雪橇,感受搬运20吨重量是怎样的体验,也可以只是欣赏巨石本身惊人的体量,这是绝对不同于远距离观看的直观感受。
100499 Visitors enjoy the view towards Montmartre from the escalators, as crowds assemble round street performers in the piazza. 游客们从自动扶梯上欣赏蒙马特区的景色,地面上的人群聚集在广场上围绕着街头艺人。
100500 Visitors have caused damage, sometimes unwittingly with their feet, other times more deliberately by carving their names. 游客们有时候只是不经意地用脚踩踏,就对石头造成了损伤,有时候他们会有意刻上自己的名字。
100501 Visitors have long been moved by the Stones. 在漫长的岁月中,游客们常常被巨石阵打动。
100502 Visitors instinctively whispered, as if deep in some collective dream from which they did not wish to emerge. 观光客也都本能地压低嗓音,仿佛深陷在某个他们不希望马上抽身而退的集体梦境中。
100503 Visitors may never become consciously aware of such a detail. 游客可能永远意识不到这样的细节。