ID 原文 译文
100472 Violent killings in Nanjing and in the Yangzi delta. 建康杀气下江东,百二关河战火红。
100473 Viollet-le-Duc for example argued that the new architecture would derive from the new ways of constructing buildings. 例如,维奥莱-勒-迪克(Viollet-le-Duc)就主张新建筑应该从新的建构方法中产生。
100474 Viollet-le-Duc saw the real potential of cast iron, the first new building material since the Romans. 维欧勒·勒·杜克看到了铸铁真正的潜力,它是自从罗马时代以来第一种新型建筑材料。
100475 Viollet-le-Duc, which influenced some early modernists. I parsed the multifarious interpretations of functionalism, from Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's "universal space" to Richard Neutra's psychobiologism to Christopher Alexander's pastiche of sociology and nostalgia in a "pattern language." 我还分析了功能主义的各种解释,从路德维希o密斯o凡o德o罗(Ludwig Mies van der Rohe)的"通用空间、全面空间",到理查德o诺依特拉(Richard Neutra)的"生理现实主义",再到克里斯托弗o亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)融合了社会学和怀旧情怀的"模式语言"。
100476 Virtual reality has so greatly improved that neuroscientists can now study people's neurological and psychological reactions to simulated environments in real time, as they currently do with the StarCAVE at the University of California, San Diego. 由于虚拟现实的技术大有改进,所以神经科学家现在可以实时研究人们对模拟环境的神经和心理反应,就像目前在加州大学圣迭戈分校用StarCAVE做的一样。
100477 Virtual reality tools will enable 4-D visualization in almost real time, allowing for better construction project planning, management, and documentation and the monitoring of environmental impacts*^. 业主通常保留规划和设计阶段的直接控制工作,而随着项目复杂程度的不断增加,会将其他工作委托给外部的咨询单位。
100478 Virtual reality tools will enable 4-D visualization in almost real time, allowing for better construction project planning, management, and documentation and the monitoring of environmental impacts*^. 虚拟现实工具将会促使四维显像几乎出现在真实时间内,因此就能够虑及更好的建筑项目计划、管理、文件和对环境影响的监控。
100479 Virtually all the gardens in Suzhou have followed these rules, but the Master-of-Fishnets Garden's newly added eastern section is a complete flop because such rules are violated. 其设计原则很简单,运用了假山与建筑相对而互相更换的一个原则(苏州园林基本上用此法。网师园东部新建反其道,终于未能成功),无旱船、大桥、大山,建筑物尺度略小,数量适可而止,亭亭当当,像个小园格局。
100480 Virtually any government action has some effect on the real estate market. 实际上,任何政府行为对房地产市场都有一定的影响。
100481 Virtually every one of the Forty Views was a compound of various style structures. 事实上,四十景里的每一个景观都是混合了各种不同的建筑风格。