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100451 |
Views of the outside are very familiar: the romantic silhouette and walls covered in panels of intricate but mechanically repetitive carving. |
整个宫殿的外部形象大家非常熟悉:具有浪漫色彩的侧面轮廓线和用嵌板覆盖的墙体,嵌板上的雕刻精细而复杂,但却是机械地重复。 |
100452 |
Vignola was a master of suspense and hidden drama. |
而且,维尼奥拉还是一位悬念剧和隐藏剧大师。 |
100453 |
Vignola, who went on to work for François I at Fontainebleau, had been an assistant to Michelangelo and like him was to some extent a bridge between the Renaissance and the Baroque. |
维尼奥拉一直在枫丹白露为弗朗索瓦一世工作,曾是米开朗基罗的助手,在某些程度上像他一样,是文艺复兴风格与巴洛克风格过渡的桥梁。 |
100454 |
Vigorous depth of shadow (§ 13), exhibited especially by pierced traceries (§ 18). |
尤其是由镂空窗花格所表现出的有力的阴影深度(第13节)。 |
100455 |
Vilhelm Wohlert & Jørgen Bo, Louisiana Museum of Art, Humlebæk, 1958–91 |
图2-8 威廉•沃勒特和乔恩根•布,路易斯安那现代艺术博物馆,汉姆莱巴克(Humlebæk),1958—1991 |
100456 |
Viljo Revell's design has functional drawbacks—splitting a municipal bureaucracy in two makes little organizational sense—but the building and its popular plaza have become a Toronto icon. |
事实上,维尔约•雷维尔(Viljo Revell)的这件设计作品在功能上是存在缺陷的:它将政府机构一分为二,削弱了两个体块之间在功能上的联系。然而,这座建筑和建筑前的广场已然成为多伦多独一无二的标志(见图1-8)。 |
100457 |
Viljo Revell, Toronto City Hall, Toronto, 1965 |
图1-8 维尔约•雷维尔,多伦多市政厅,多伦多,1965 |
100458 |
Villa Barbaro |
巴巴罗别墅 |
100459 |
Villa Barbaro, sometimes confusingly called Villa Maser after the nearby village, is a serene masterpiece. |
巴巴罗别墅,偶尔也被附近村庄的人迷惑地称为主人别墅,一座静谧的杰作。 |
100460 |
Villa Capra, Vicenza, Italy (1569); architect: Andrea Palladio (1508-80) (Figure 15) |
圆厅别墅(卡普拉别墅),维琴察,意大利(1569);建筑师:安德烈亚·帕拉第奥(1508-1580)(图15) |