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100381 Versailles was so closely and inextricably connected with Louis XIV 'the Great' that this wilful removal from his palace cast doubt on whether it would ever again be the principal residence of his Bourbon successors. 凡尔赛宫与路易十四的"伟大"如此密不可分,以至于这次从宫殿中刻意搬出让人不禁怀疑这里之后是否还会成为波旁王朝继承者们的主要居所。
100382 Versailles was still a showcase of the glory of the Bourbon monarchy, but for much of the time the Bourbon monarch had left the building. 凡尔赛宫依然是展示波旁王朝君主制荣誉的舞台,但波旁王朝的君主大部分时间却不待在这里。
100383 Versailles was the considered brainchild of a king who wanted a monument that could glorify, commemorate, inspire and command. 凡尔赛宫是一位国王的智慧结晶--他想要一座能够起到崇拜、纪念、鼓舞和统御作用的纪念碑。
100384 Versailles was the theatre of Louis XIV's majesty and cultural primacy. [2]凡尔赛宫宛如一座剧院,展现着路易十四的王权和文化上的优越。
100385 Versailles was thus transformed from a place in which history was made into one where history was remembered. Yet two linked flashbulb moments returned the palace briefly but strikingly to centre stage in France's national story. 凡尔赛宫就这样从创造历史的地方变成了铭记历史的地方,但两个相互关联的重要时刻却让这座宫殿短暂但引人注目地回到了法国历史舞台的中央。
100386 Versailles would henceforth signal a republican triumph as well as an absolutist creation. 从此以后,凡尔赛宫不仅是君主专制的产物,还是共和主义胜利的象征。
100387 Versailles would thus serve the patriotic cause, dissolving political barriers in a unified celebration of France's greatness. 凡尔赛宫将由此为爱国主义事业服务,通过颂扬法国的伟大来消融政治上的阻碍。
100388 Versailles's future, he thought, would only be guaranteed if it was accepted that the palace's role as an active force in political and cultural life was over, and that its destiny could only be secured as a site not of monarchical power but of national memory, as the Musée de l'histoire de France. 他认为,只有当人们普遍接受凡尔赛宫作为法国政治和文化生活中一股重要力量的生涯已经结束,其未来才能得到保证;只有当这里成为承载民族记忆而非君主权力的场所,其命运才会安然无忧,由此,凡尔赛宫成了法国历史博物馆。
100389 Versailles's latter-day engagement with national politics had been short and anything but sweet. 近代以来,凡尔赛宫与国家政治生活的接触非常短暂,而且没尝到任何甜头。
100390 Versailles's place in the national affections seems unchanged - and indeed appears to have been enhanced. 凡尔赛在民族情感中的地位似乎并未改变,事实上似乎还提高了。