ID 原文 译文
100361 Versailles is a real desert when the king is absent, as he is for ten months of the year. At such times, only those who are obliged to remain do so. 国王不在时,凡尔赛宫就是一片真正的荒漠,而他一年里有十个月都不在。
100362 Versailles is in the département of Yvelines.) 凡尔赛位于伊夫林省内。)
100363 Versailles is mainly the work of three men: de Brosse, Le Vau and Jules Hardouin Mansart. 凡尔赛主要是三个人的作品:布洛斯、勒沃和朱尔斯·哈登·芒萨尔。
100364 Versailles needed workers as well as aristocrats, and Louis encouraged the formation of a new neighbourhood on the northern flank of the ch? 凡尔赛宫需要贵族,也需要工人。在路易十四的鼓励下,城堡北面建立起一片新的社区,供由建筑工人和各种工匠组成的移民大军居住。
100365 Versailles saw a lot more cattle passing through to be slaughtered in Paris than it did human beings. 经由凡尔赛被送往巴黎屠宰的牲畜要比经由这里去往巴黎的人多得多。
100366 Versailles seemed to be losing its charm - and to a degree its raison d'être. 凡尔赛宫的魅力似乎正在流逝--在某种程度上,它存在的原因也一并消失了。
100367 Versailles suffered from an understandable disdain that seemed justified by the circumstances of the time… 在当时的情况下,凡尔赛宫受到轻视似乎是可以理解的……
100368 Versailles today is no longer the work of a monarch's munificence, it is the fruit of its ruler's economies… The first duty of a sovereign is to understand his age; the first duty of a monument is to represent it. 今天的凡尔赛宫已不再是君主制大兴土木的产物,而是其统治者节约的成果……君主的第一要务是去理解他的时代,而纪念碑最重要的意义是代表它的时代。
100369 Versailles was UNESCO-listed in 1979. 1979年,凡尔赛宫被联合国教科文组织列入名录。
100370 Versailles was a very male preserve. 凡尔赛是男性的专属领地。