ID 原文 译文
100351 Versaille,? bois,? 噢,凡尔赛宫,噢,树林,噢,廊柱,
100352 Versailles became the model for many royal gardens throughout Europe, notably at the Sch? nbrunn Palace in Vienna, the Peterhof, Peter the Great's Summer Palace outside St. Petersburg, and Hampton Court near London. 凡尔赛宫成了全欧洲许多皇家花园的典范,维也纳的美泉宫、圣彼得堡郊外的彼得大帝夏宫以及伦敦附近的汉普顿宫等著名皇家花园都以此为范本。
100353 Versailles continued to be seen, at home and abroad, as the most magnificent royal court in Europe, a fitting symbol for a France still generally regarded as Europe's 'Great Nation'. Versailles remained synonymous with royal style, protocol and éclat: as the Marquise de La Tour du Pin noted, its name 'resonated like a magic spell' at all levels of French society. [7]在法国内外,凡尔赛宫依然被视为整个欧洲最宏伟的宫廷建筑,是法国仍旧被普遍认作欧洲"强国"的得体象征,是王家威仪、尊荣和辉煌的代名词:正如拉图尔迪潘侯爵夫人所说,凡尔赛宫的名字能在法国社会各阶层中"像魔咒般引发共鸣"。
100354 Versailles fell into disrepair and a general air of shoddiness came to reign. Nature fought back. 凡尔赛宫破损失修,粗制滥造之风开始盛行,自然环境的影响也再次显现。
100355 Versailles had already begun to prepare for a war in which the risks of devastation were incalculably higher than ever before: windows were boarded up, rafters fireproofed, artworks placed in storage and many items sent to safe havens in the provinces - as was the table on which the 1919 peace treaty had been signed. 凡尔赛宫已经开始为战争做准备,因为这场战争会带来前所未有的破坏风险:窗户用木板封住、宫殿的椽子做了防火处理、艺术品被放入储藏室,还有许多物品被送往外省的避难所--例如1919年签署《凡尔赛和约》的桌子。
100356 Versailles had suffered a catastrophic demotion in 1789-92. 1789-1792年,凡尔赛宫遭受了毁灭性的破坏。
100357 Versailles has appeared in hundreds of feature films and TV dramas. Sofia Coppola's highly popular Marie Antoinette (2006) had historians picking holes in the script as the Versailles turnstiles whirled. 历史学家们曾在索菲亚o科波拉执导的热门影片《绝代艳后》(Marie Antoinette,2006)的剧本中发现漏洞:凡尔赛宫居然出现了十字转门。
100358 Versailles has prospered under the EPV and the state-backed 'Le Grand Versailles' scheme. 在EPV的管理及得到国家支持的"大凡尔赛"方案下,凡尔赛欣欣向荣。
100359 Versailles has seen the best of times, and the worst. 凡尔赛历经了最好的时代和最坏的时代。
100360 Versailles is a palace of two faces. 凡尔赛宫有两副不同的面孔。