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100331 |
Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery, London, 1991 |
图2-13 文丘里与斯科特•布朗事务所,英国国家美术馆塞恩斯伯里翼楼,伦敦,1991 |
100332 |
Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Sainsbury Wing, National Gallery, London, 1991 |
图4-6 文丘里与斯科特•布朗事务所,英国国家美术馆塞恩斯伯里翼楼,伦敦,1991 |
100333 |
Venturi, a pupil of the great formalist Louis Kahn, wasn't against the best in Modernism. |
文丘里,是形式主义大师路易斯·康的学生,与最棒的现代主义并非对抗关系。 |
100334 |
Venturi, an American architect, published his treatise Learning From Las Vegas in 1972. |
文丘里,一位美国建筑师,1972年发表了论文《向拉斯维加斯学习》。 |
100335 |
Venturi, perhaps more than any architect of his generation, consciously founded his architecture on a theory. |
文丘里也许是当时那个时代中,最有意识将理论基础作为设计原则的建筑师了。 |
100336 |
Venue for Spring Outings at the Rainbow Bridge |
虹桥修禊 |
100337 |
Verandah for Seeing Pines and Reading Paintings |
看松读画轩 |
100338 |
Verandah in Obedience to Rocks |
拜石轩 |
100339 |
Verandah of Reposed Comfort |
静宜轩 |
100340 |
Verandah of a Hillock Clustered with Osmanthuses |
小山丛桂轩 |