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100321 |
Venetian art of the time shows an increasing preoccupation with the ideal landscape – and Palladio offered his clients a Venetian Utopia. |
时间艺术让威尼斯人越来越关注理想景观,而帕拉第奥恰恰就为他的委托人设计出了威尼斯乌托邦。 |
100322 |
Venetians called Palladio's architecture all'antica (in the ancient manner), since he borrowed motifs from ancient Rome. |
威尼斯人称帕拉第奥的设计为“过时的建筑”,因为他的设计中借鉴了古罗马建筑的图饰。 |
100323 |
Ventilation can be affected by fans (mechanical ventilation) or by the difference between the densities of the columns of internal and external air, and also by action of wind (natural ventilation). |
通风可以由风机作用,或由内部和外部的空气密度差作用,也可以由风作用。通风可以是全面的,或是局部的。 |
100324 |
Ventilation can be general or local. Local extract ventilation is intended for removing polluted air at source, to prevent the dispersal of impurities throughout the building. |
局部抽气通风目的是从污染源处排除污染的空气,防止污染物扩散到整个建筑物内。 |
100325 |
Ventilation is essentially the science of the control of air change in buildings. |
通风实际上是控制建筑物内换气的一门学科。 |
100326 |
Venturi explained how the setting influenced the design. "Each of the four façades is different—involving the Miesian glass curtain wall to the east, the severe brick-faced ‘back' walls to the north and west, and the limestone façade to the south." |
文丘里在解释环境是如何影响建筑设计的时候说道:“四个立面都是不一样的:东立面采用的是密斯风格的玻璃幕墙,北立面和西立面采用的是朴素的砖墙,南立面采用的是石灰岩。” |
100327 |
Venturi is the leading modern mannerist. |
文丘里引领了现代风格主义。 |
100328 |
Venturi made one decision early on that had an important effect on the plan. |
文丘里在设计初期做了一个决定,这个决定对平面起到了相当重要的作用。 |
100329 |
Venturi's mannerist leanings are evident in the hybrid construction of the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery. |
文丘里的风格主义倾向主要体现在英国国家美术馆塞恩斯伯里翼楼的混合结构上。 |
100330 |
Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, Roy and Diana Vagelos Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1997 |
图5-10 文丘里与斯科特•布朗事务所,罗伊和戴安娜•瓦格洛斯实验室,费城宾夕法尼亚大学,1997 |