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100279 |
Van Braam described the royal room as "neatly furnished in the Chinese taste, containing a few books and some very valuable curiosities" (cited in Danby 1950, 155). |
范巴澜注意到,皇帝的寝室"由整齐的中式家具布置,摆设了少量的书本和一些价值连城的珍宝"。 |
100280 |
Van Braam described the royal room as “neatly furnished in the Chinese taste, containing a few books and some very valuable curiosities” (cited in Danby 1950, 155). |
范巴澜注意到,皇帝的寝室“由整齐的中式家具布置,摆设了少量的书本和一些价值连城的珍宝”。 |
100281 |
Van Braam only regretted that he missed the European section in the Eternal Spring Garden. |
范巴澜唯一遗憾的是没有浏览到长春园内西洋楼的欧式建筑群。 |
100282 |
Van Braam, however, disliked the Chinese entertainment, which he found confusing and his mind was soon fatigued, thus banishing "every idea of amusement." |
可是,范巴澜并不喜欢这种中式娱乐表演,他因为不能理解表演的内容而很快感到厌倦,所以一点趣味都感觉不到。 |
100283 |
Van Braam, however, disliked the Chinese entertainment, which he found confusing and his mind was soon fatigued, thus banishing “every idea of amusement.” |
可是,范巴澜并不喜欢这种中式娱乐表演,他因为不能理解表演的内容而很快感到厌倦,所以一点趣味都感觉不到。 |
100284 |
Van Campen designed the Netherlands' first theatre, Amsterdam's Stadsschouwburg. |
范·坎彭设计了荷兰第一座剧院——阿姆斯特丹城市剧院。 |
100285 |
Van Campen's best-known work is probably the large Town Hall of Amsterdam (begun 1648), now the Royal Palace in Dam Square. |
范·坎彭最著名的作品莫过于阿姆斯特丹的大市政厅(始建于1648年),现在成了位于水坝广场上的王宫。 |
100286 |
Van Gogh, who painted numerous nests, as well as numerous peasant cottages, wrote to his brother: "The cottage, with its thatched roof, made me think of a wren's nest." |
画过许多鸟巢和茅屋的凡o高在给他弟弟的信中写道:"以苇草为屋顶的茅屋让我想到戴菊莺的巢。" |
100287 |
Van der Kemp's exploitation of this rich vein of patronage was further facilitated by his marriage to the American heiress Florence Harris, giving the couple an entrée into global philanthropic networks. |
范o德o肯普与美国女继承人弗洛伦斯o哈里斯的婚姻进一步拓展了他丰富的人脉,使这对夫妇得以进入全球的慈善关系网。 |
100288 |
Vanbrugh had many a provocative tale to tell. |
凡布鲁有很多刺激的故事可讲。 |